While editing Karolynn & Robert wedding, I came across so many beautiful detail shots that I did. They are just too beautiful, and it would be a waste not to share. They need to be in a separate post.
For every wedding, the Bride & Groom spent a lot of money, time and effort into creating a wedding that they could be proud of. They put in their valuable time to make sure that all the little details count and coordinate with each other. The color of the bridesmaids’ gowns, the cake, the flower arrangement, the confections for guests, the signing collage, the venue’s decor, etc…all have to coordinate in some way to make their wedding looks tasteful and personalized. As guests, people sometimes tend to overlook, and not realize why and how much effort goes into every little details. But as a professional photographer, my job is to pay attention to every little details and capture all those little details that the bride and groom and their vendors worked on. My clients entrusted me with the responsibilities of documenting their weddings, so I have to find way to artistically capture everything in the utmost professional level. What can I say, I’m a details freak. 🙂