From our wonderful engagement session with Kailani & Ted, I knew that it was only a beginning to an amazing time to come…the wedding day. From the start of the day, I met with Kailani and the bridesmaids to document their preparation. Everyone was so friendly and involved in helping out. We had a total blast, and I captured many beautiful photos of their preparation. After the preparation, the bride came downstair to meet the groom for the first time, and we had a short photo session with Kailani & Ted and their families. It was short and sweet. Then around noon, we headed to the St. Simon & Jude Catholic Church for the ceremony. The church has some of the strictest rules for photography, but that didn’t deter us from doing our job and capture beautiful photos for the bride & groom. 🙂 Check out the photos of the flower girls and ring bearer. They are just so adorable. Everyone can’t get enough of them. Love, love, love…Kailani is Vietnamese, and Ted is Chinese. They planned a very simple and laid-back wedding that I have ever shot. We had a little time in between to rest before the reception. The reception was at the Hilton of Costa Mesa, a very nice, medium size venue with great ambient lighting. Kailani & Ted did a wonderful job in providing delicious appetizers, foods, and entertainment to everyone. There was a great MC/DJ – Duy Ninh and the beautiful, talented friend of mine – singer Linda Chou, who speaks & sings 3 languages – English, Chinese, and Vietnamese. I was actually surprised to see her there. Because I had no idea that she would be performing. What a pleasant surprise. In addition, there were some really fun games they had for everyone: dancing contest, musical chair, and “finding the bride’s hand”…So much fun, fun. Anyway, enough with my narration. Time to view the gorgeous photos below. Don’t forget to let the Kailani & Ted know of what you think. People love compliments. 🙂
wow…isn’t she beautiful? Love how the window lighting was glowing around her.
OMG…These flower girls are sooooo cute. Well done parents. 🙂
Aww…they are all so cute. I was waving at her to get her attention and look how cute it is when she waved back. <3
Check out the expression on Kailani face below when Ted didn’t think that it was her hand. LOL…
It’s so cute, Kailani was doing the Gangnam Style dancing here. The song is so hopping. Made me wanna dance to it, but too bad I was working. 🙂
Hair & Makeup by Ly Make Up
Singer: Linda Chou
DJ/MC: Duy Ninh
Venue: Hilton of Costa Mesa
St. Simon & Jude Catholic Church
Dinh! You are such a wonderful photographer. I would and am recommending you to anyone who needs a photographer. Now, how do I get these pictures DLed? 🙂
Thank you Samantha. Sorry I overlooked your comment. 🙂 Yes, you would get the photos from Kailani & Ted.
Amazing work…beautiful photos. Gorgeous bride. Love your detail shots. The flower girls are so adorable. 🙂
well done again anh Kevin….always a pleasure to look at. Lam non nao muon lay chong qua ahhhhh ;).
Thank you Sarah. Hahahha…hurry and get married. So I can be your photographer. lol.
me, too. ^^